For those of us fortunate enough to be safe and well, it’s a boring time being at home. For carers, it’s dull because you can’t escape the confines of your home and there’s not much in the way of respite which we normally provide here at Me2U.

For our loved ones at home, perhaps they are not aware of the situation as much as we are. They might not understand why care workers are wearing masks or why their family members can’t come into the house. Perhaps they are in the early stages and have a lot of awareness and are feeling generally restricted by life at the moment.

What can you do to ensure that time spent at home is quality time and not a cause for resentment on all sides?

Over the course of the Me2U Centre’s life, we’ve been using a variety of activities within the Centre and posting suggestions on our blog.

It doesn’t take much imagination to implement these activities at home, so for lockdown, here’s what we recommend.


Reminiscence Activities

Most people are spending at least some time in their day reminiscing. Perhaps this is simply nostalgia for “the time before lockdown” or families forced to spend more time together are reminding each other of favourite memories. Reminiscence activities can be as simple as making a memory box, looking at photos and recalling the special recollections these items bring to mind. You can make a scrapbook full of tangible objects to go with the pictures and have fun creating this together.

Dementia-Friendly Activities You Can Enjoy Outside Me2U Centre

Listen to Music

We love music at Me2U, especially when we have our favourite musicians come and play and get our lovely Me2U family up dancing. Music is evocative for every one of us, so dig out some old records or curate a playlist on Spotify, turn up the speakers and have a sing or a dance in the living room or even the garden.

Why Music is an Important Therapy at Me2U Centre

Get Out in the Garden

Being sure to put your sun cream on both you and your loved one, spending time in the garden is a wonderful way to increase positive feelings. Being out in the sun ups your levels of vitamin D. Fresh air is important for oxygen levels and being outside brings you into contact with nature. Pottering in the garden and planting bulbs is a way to exercise, which boosts your immune system and helps you sleep better. Ensure the garden is safe and don’t leave your loved one unattended.

What Do I Need to Create a Dementia-Friendly Outdoor Space?

Art Activities

Colouring in, doing craft projects, knitting, guided painting and creating paper flowers are all great ways to spend time in on rainy days during lockdown. Art helps retain motor skills and gives people a sense of pride and achievement when they can appreciate what they have created.

Art Therapy Activities You Can Do at Home

Play Games

The simple ones are always the best. Bingo, Snap and Dominoes are among the Me2U favourites as the rules are straightforward. Games can help to improve hand eye coordination and is a workout for the brain. Everyone has a pack of cards at home, and you can create your own Dominoes from paper and pens if you can’t find any.


We know that these times are tough but it’s good to make it into an enjoyable period even if you can’t get out. Just know you’re not alone! We’re still here to take your call if you need any guidance, support or help with picking up your essentials.