Thank You for Your Support

We’ve seen very generous support from friends, family and regional business. We’d love to share a warm thank you for their commitment to seeing this project succeed.


Help us reach our goal

We advise removing the ‘optional tip’ at the payment stage as this goes to Crowdfunder and doesn’t help towards our goal.

We’ve received donations from

Daniel Buchanan
Alice Whittington
Joseph Gregory
Daniel Black
Jacob Caffrey
Callum Kennedy
Megan Scriven
Kundalini Group
Irene Crawley
Robin Baynes
Jodie Pownall
Kathryn Scott
Kayleigh Davenport
Will Jones
Mark Loughnane (Homesure Property)
Wayne Berqvist
Annie Williams
Louis Bennett
Joel Riding
Paddy Whittington
Rose Brunelii
E Keating
Paul Garner
Rachel Hughes
S A Little
Georgia Adair
Angela Mason
Joe Boggan
Jayne Moore
Paula Davies
Sophia Avraam
Andrew Higham
Joe Whitto
Adam Walsh
A Grateful Relative
Paul Shepherd
Jakub Piotr Paja
Ella Critchley
Gerard Maloney
Kundalini Group
Margaret Rafter
Cargill Chocolate Speke
Lexi Bramley
Graham Flynn
Denise Waywell
Paddy Buckley
Paula Coulston
Ellen Carr
Jay Green
Joanne Goodall
Joseph Lee
Julie Newbury
Lewis Mousley
Rosemarie Whittington
Michelle Weekes
Christopher Tully
Patricia Adderley
Louise Jones
Michelle Kearns
Rina Sowler
Marlene Joan

We’ve received in-kind donations from

Steven Hunt Logo

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In-kind support
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