
Acupuncture Therapy

In this series of blog posts, we’ll be looking into the different types of alternative therapies associated with dementia. In this blog, we review Acupuncture therapy. 

Acupuncture is another complementary therapy which can be used alongside standard treatments to boost wellbeing.

What is Acupuncture?

The premise of acupuncture is to insert fine needles into certain pressure points in the body, helping unblock energy flow, or “qi”. The idea is that by unblocking energy, you increase blood flow, stimulate certain organs in the body that deal with waste products and remove toxicity.  

Acupuncture has been practised as an alternative therapy for thousands of years, originating in the East. 

What are the Benefits of Acupuncture?

The benefits of this treatment may include relaxation, mood enhancement and brain function, more energy and reduced pain. As yet, studies have given some positive signals that this treatment can help improve memory and help symptoms of mild cognitive impairment alongside a more standard medical treatment, however lots more research needs to be done. 

Currently, it’s only being used in addition to western medicine, as it can help the recipient feel more comfortable but as yet, it cannot replace conventional treatments. 

There are not many downsides to using this treatment if it’s carried out by a licensed practitioner – as long as the patient is comfortable having needles inserted. 

So far, the small-scale studies that have been undertaken have looked at Chinese patients and compared the findings to a drug called nimodipine, which is not a licensed drug for dementia in the UK. 

If you are thinking of embarking on a course of acupuncture, it’s best to consider the many wellbeing benefits if can offer rather than view it as a cure for dementia symptoms. 

If you or a loved one would like to know more about the types of therapy we provide here at Me2U, please get in touch with our friendly centre staff today. 

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29th August 2023

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